Episode 45: Kramer vs. Kramer
YEAH THAT’S RIGHT WE’RE BACK! After a brief hiatus that accidentally ended up extending longer than SIXTEEN weeks (oopsie!), the Rommies make their triumphant return to film pobcassing and virtual 1F Film Festing. For the first film of the 2021 Festival, the Rommies discuss this 70s classic, where bb Dustin Hoffman BEARS the burden of raising his child after bb Meryl Streep runs out on him. Listen in as the Rommies compare this divorce movie with a certain, more recent, iteration and try to determine WHAT is going on with Meryl’s chest (shockingly, I don’t mean that in an immature way). Also, be sure to enjoy the very timely references to current events, as this episode is going up nearly two months after recording. (Again, oopsie! We promise to think about trying to DO better next time!)